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Permenant resident card in Italy

Documents needed for PERMESSO DI SOGGIORNO CE   per soggiornanti di lungo periodo (Permenant resident card in Italy) We can apply for PR-Permanent residence card after five years of arrival (calculated from start of issuance of first permesso), irrespective of   expiry date of the current permesso . Below are some points based on experience gained. Disclaimer:The below points are based on experience in Turin(piedmonte) .Each region in Italy may require sometimes different/additional or less documents Regular documents which mostly we will already possess: 1.        Passport 2.        Residence permit (a valid one before expiration date) 3.        Codice fiscal paper (or Tessera Saniteria) 4.        Work contract ( It has to be’ indeterminato’ ) 5.        Last 3 months payslip 6.    ...

Claim TFR - Pension Fund

There are 2 types of pension fund TFR - Trattamento Fine Rapporto TFS - Trattamento Fine servizio TFR is the term used in Italy which literally means Post Empoyment benefits or Benefits after termination. Actual meaning is severance pay which is the sum that the employer must pay to his employee upon termination of the relationship, corresponding to the sum of the remuneration amounts set aside or deducted from your salary every month. The TFS instead is the end of service treatment which refers to the retirement. TFR can be applied anytime once you terminate the job and move out of the country. TFS can be applied only after you are eligible for retirement pension. So dont confuse with both terms. WHAT IS TFR : TFR will be divided in two parts. - First part will be saved your employer at the company fund. - Second part will be transferred to an outside fund association. Normally, it will be 20% to 80% of split. If you wish, this division can be chosen a...


Here are some of the glossary (both general and academic) that every first time visitors to Italy need to know. Academic Glossary Anno accademico Academic year: the academic year starts from October and ends of September of the following year. The year is organized in didactic terms “periodi didattici” Matricola (numero) Registration number or student number Anticipo (soldi) To pay in advance Modulo Form Assicurazione medica Health insurance Nulla osta per ricerca scientifica Scientific research visa authorization Autocertificazione Self-declaration Passaporto Passport Bollettino postale Payment slip/ Postal slip Patrimonio Property Borsa di studio Scholarship Periodo didattico Period in the academic year Carico didattico Study plan: the list of the courses that the student follow during the year Permesso di soggiorno Residence permit Certificato Certificate Produrre/mostrare documenti Show/submi...